Motion Connected

Motion Connected

4.4 (12 reviews) /
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Employee Healthcare Education
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Motion Connected - vendor materials
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Motion Connected Info & Features

Give your employees the access, education, and guidance needed to empower better decision making. Motion Connected delivers an employee experience platform focused on improving population engagement in healthier lifestyles and better healthcare consumerism.

Our programs are designed to provide:

✅ Year-round access to resources
✅ Education to improve awareness & understanding
✅ Motivating rewards structure to inspire change

Proven engagement & results

• 92% employee program satisfaction rating
• 2 out of 3 employees engaged in pro ...

Not Provided
Lives Serviced
Not Provided
Minimum Group Size
No Minimum
3rd Party Integrations
Android Native Application
Dashboard analytics
GDPR Compliant
Top Offerings
Wellness Platform
Benefits Navigation Platform
Health Literacy
Average Cost
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Key Clients
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Clients Your Size
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Motion Connected Info & Reviews

4.4 Overall Score from 12 reviews












Featured Motion Connected Review

4.4 Overall Score from 12 reviews

"Motion Connected helped us develop a program to meet our wellness goals while also supporting our culture. From our first meeting I felt that Motion Connected had our backs. They are a fantastic partner."

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Motion Connected Info & Marketing Materials

Company Description - Motion Connected - Get an overview of our offerings

Product Summary - BenConnect - Learn more about our healthcare literacy program

Product Summary - WellSelect - Learn more about our robust wellbeing program

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